Fast Facts:Tunguska Event- Explosion

Unknown | 06:44 | 0 yorum

Tangya Forest After Tunguska Event
The Tunguska event was a large explosion which occurred in Tunguska Near to Russia and mongolia border.İn 1908.
 Explonesion knocking down trees In Tangya Forest almost 600 km.
Scientist can't explan explosion  because power of event is equal to 1000 times nuclear bomb that dropped in Nagazaki.
Comet Theory:
They think reason of explosion is comet which is almost crash to earth.A part of comet burn in the atmosphare and tunguska event became. But it's just a theory .

But intresting part local humans in Tunguska didin't hurt. Execpt some  blackout.

NASA said earth's magnetic field has moved because of tunguska event.

So we can say all that naturel event's  dangerous yes. but end of the day nature will be maintain order. 
But we might not know man kind will be in  new or order or not.

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